
The Chaska Figure Skating Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  We rely on fundraising efforts to subsidize the cost of ice, club functions, etc.  A variety of fundraisers are held through-out the year.  Some of our fundraising efforts include:

  • Dine Out Events
  • Plant Sales
  • Pizza Sales
  • Garage Sale
  • Amazon Smile
  • Sponsors
  • Company Matches for Volunteer Hours
  • Events including: Our Annual Ice Show, Star of the North Competition, Holiday Boutique, Glow Run & River City Days

Home Club Members are required to participate in fundraising, Aspire Members are expected to participate and Aspire Introductory families are encouraged to participate.  We will include information on requirements when the information for each fundraiser is sent out.

Earn Money for Your Individaul Account

In addition to our club fundraisers, families are able to use RaiseRight (formerly Scrip) to earn money that goes directly to their skaters accout that they can use to pay for ice contracting, club jackets, testing, etc.  CLICK here to learn more about the RaiseRight program!  Many club families are able to pay for a large part of their ice contracts by using RaiseRight!